How training companies can benefit from Google for Jobs

In May 2017 Google brought its job portal Google for Jobs to Taiwan. Since then, available job offers are filtered out according to the respective job search query and displayed on the Google results page.

Now many ask themselves the question: To what extent can training companies profit from Google for Jobs?

Applicants predominantly use Google when looking for a training position

Most trainees who are looking for a company or business are still at school. This means that they have had little exposure to job boards such as Stepstone, Indeed or Monster. So it's hardly surprising that, according to Apprentice - Recruiting Trends 2019, around 84.3% of apprentice applicants start their search on Google.

But why is it so difficult to find the right company?

Unlike school students, training companies are more likely to rely on the aforementioned job boards when it comes to finding applicants. According to the study, 86.3% of training companies do not primarily use Google for recruitment. There is a lot of supply and demand in this area, but applicants and trainers are not finding what they are looking for.

So how can Google for Jobs help training companies find the right applicants?

3 important advantages for training companies:

  • Job ads reach a wider audience

  • Search algorithms guide the trainee to the right job offer

  • Higher number of applications

If the training companies have their own career site, the job advertisements can be transferred directly to Google for Jobs if the technical requirements are met. If this is not the case, companies can publish their job advertisements on Google through providers such as SEO for Jobs. SEO for Jobs allows companies to post job ads directly to Google for Jobs. In doing so, they can edit and optimize them by hand.

This can be especially helpful for training companies. Henner Knabenreich raises in his blog Personalmarketing2null that it was already recognized in the 2017 Apprentice Recruiting Trends that applicants want more information in job postings, especially with regard to the training process and a practical description of the job description.

In addition, most applicants start their apprenticeship search very haphazardly. In the search bar, they usually only enter "training" or "training near me". Google can then display suitable job offers through certain search algorithms and even analyses previous search behaviour in order to suggest suitable jobs according to the searcher's interests. The job advertisements of companies are then displayed directly with the results, which is why it is more likely that the applicant will then access these advertisements.

Since applicants are mostly students, the search is often mobile. Here, too, Google for Jobs offers the advantage that the job ads of the companies can be displayed just as well as on a large laptop.

Another advantage is that about 40% of trainees prefer to be close to home. Google immediately pays attention to the location during the search query and consequently shows training positions in the immediate vicinity. This also gives businesses the chance to receive a higher number and more suitable applications for their advertisements.

Why you should start now with Google for Jobs

Charts show that most searches for apprenticeships on Google occur during the winter months, especially after the end of the Christmas period and at the beginning of the year. So now is the optimum time to prepare the job ads for the next apprenticeships and post them on Google for Jobs.

Nach Weihnachten wird am häufigsten nach Ausbildungsplätzen gesucht. Nach Weihnachten wird am häufigsten nach Ausbildungsplätzen gesucht.
Nach Weihnachten wird am häufigsten nach Ausbildungsplätzen gesucht.


Google for Jobs plays an important role for both applicants and training companies. As most apprentices start their search on Google and rarely go beyond it, it is even more important for training companies to use Google for Jobs. Not only that the range is increased is an advantage, but also the possibility of optimizing the job ads with providers, such as SEO for Jobs, so that many trainees respond to them and they contain the information they are looking for.

Through the link with Google Maps, offers in the vicinity are displayed directly, which almost half of the trainees consider an important criterion. Google for Jobs has become almost indispensable so that training companies can find suitable and appropriate trainees.