Google for Jobs Introduction

Google for Jobs is the largest job board in the world. Over 72% of all job searches start on Google. Thus, millions of people worldwide search for a new job on Google every day. Google has also recognized this and launched its own job board in the USA in 2017. Since -, Google for Jobs is also available in Danmark for all users.

Below you will find an introduction to the world of Google for Jobs with all the important information to get an overview.

What is Google for Jobs?

Strictly speaking, Google for Jobs is an extension of the normal Google search. Google analyzes all search queries and detects the search intent of the searcher. If the algorithm recognizes that it is a job search, the Google Job Box is displayed on the search results page. The Google Job Box displays the top 3 job listings.

Google for Jobs is displayed directly on the search results page for job searches. Further details of the first three job ads can be opened directly on the Google homepage. Google for Jobs is displayed directly on the search results page for job searches. Further details of the first three job ads can be opened directly on the Google homepage.
Google for Jobs is displayed directly on the search results page for job searches. Further details of the first three job ads can be opened directly on the Google homepage.

Details of the first three job ads can be displayed directly on the Google home page. To do this, simply click on a job entry.

In most cases, many more job listings will be found. As soon as one clicks on the heading "Jobs" on "more jobs", a new view opens. This new view is what can actually be called Google for Jobs.

Here, Google's job portal then offers many functions to refine the search and filter the search results. Provided the user is logged in, he also has the option of saving job offers or being informed about suitable new job offers via so-called "alerts". In addition to the above-mentioned functions, Google's job portal offers numerous other features. In a separate article, we have compiled and prepared all the functions of Google for Jobs in detail for you.

Google for Jobs offers many ways to modify the search and filter the results. Google for Jobs offers many ways to modify the search and filter the results.
Google for Jobs offers many ways to modify the search and filter the results.

Since more than 60% of all search queries worldwide are now made via smartphones or tablets, Google for Jobs is of course also optimized for mobile devices.
Google for Jobs is only not available for older versions of Internet Explorer.

Over 60% of all search queries start via smartphone. Google for Jobs is optimized for mobile devices.

How does Google for Jobs work?

The way Google for Jobs works can be divided into two steps. In the first step, Google has to add the new job to the index. In the second step, Google plays job ads for matching users.

Step 1: Indexing job ads

Google's bots continuously search the Internet on a large scale, visiting all known Internet sites. This is called crawling. In the process, Google tries to understand what the current page is about. To give the Google bots hints what to find on the current page, so-called schema data can be stored on the website. These are only readable by machines and invisible to visitors. In order for Google to recognize that a company's career page contains job ads, schema data of the type "JobPosting" must be stored there. You can find out how this works in our instructions.

Once Google has successfully processed the information, it is stored in a gigantic database. This is called indexing.

Step 2: Play out job ads

After the job ad has been recognized as such by Google and included in the index, it is displayed for matching search queries.

It is no secret that Google knows a great deal about each user. Google demonstrates this very impressively in the playout of advertisements. These are sometimes shockingly precisely tailored and one wonders, "How does Google know that?".

All this information is also used when deciding who gets which job ad displayed. Particularly noteworthy here is the current location from which the search is started. Without explicitly specifying locations, Google always displays job ads in the immediate vicinity.

How can I open Google for Jobs?

Google search function for job ads is directly integrated into the normal Google search. This means that Google does not provide a direct link to Google for Jobs. As mentioned at the beginning, Google recognizes from the search query that the user is looking for a new job and then displays the job box. In order to access Google for Jobs yourself, follow the steps below:

  • Open a new browser window

  • Go to" "

  • Search there for "Jobs near you".

  • Scroll down a little bit, if necessary, until you find a blue box titled "Jobs"

  • Click on the upper part of the blue box

  • Google for Jobs will then open with full functionality

Note: If the blue job box does not appear, you are probably using an internet browser that is not supported. In this case, it is best to try again with a different browser. For example, the Google Chrome browser or Firefox is recommended.

What does Google for Jobs mean for employers?

Google for Jobs offers enormous potential for employers. Through the unbeatable reach, potentially very many job seekers are reached. Since more than 72% of all job searches start on Google, potential applicants can be picked up right where they expect it. Google's sophisticated algorithms can also be expected to find more suitable and qualified applicants.

As an employer, exploit the potential of Google for Jobs

A presence on Google for Jobs will become essential in the future. Because, as with web search, "What Google doesn't find, doesn't exist". It is already apparent as a trend that more and more people are searching for jobs directly on Google. That makes itself naturally also with the usual job boards noticeable, which register now fewer visitors and together complaint.

As first step it applies thus to provide for the fact that the job advertisements of the own enterprise are taken up with Google into the index.

Improvement of the positioning with Google for jobs

If the job ads are basically discoverable on Google, this is already an important step in the right direction. As with normal web searches, however, work must always be done on positioning in the job search. Otherwise, it can quickly happen that a competitor is better positioned and thus also gets the better candidates. With the continuous optimization of the job offers especially for Google for Jobs you can secure one of the top positions.

Currently it is not yet possible to buy a better positioning on Google for Jobs, as it is known for example from Google Web Search or Google Shopping. However, it is highly probable that this will also be possible with Google for Jobs in the future.

What does Google for Jobs mean for employees?

Google has long pursued the goal of making the most relevant information available to users as quickly as possible. This can be seen by the fact that information on flight connections, recipes or news articles are displayed directly in the search results - often without having to leave the search engine.

Thus, Google for Jobs is a consistent step to show the most suitable job to employees who are looking for a job as quickly as possible. This means that in the future, sifting through a wide variety of job portals will be a thing of the past.

How do my job offers get to Google for Jobs?

In order to have your job advertisement included in the Google index, three ways have emerged:

  1. Adaptation of your own website
    Here you will find instructions on how to set up Google for Jobs with information on technical requirements as well as possible pitfalls.

  2. Placement via job portals
    Some job portals offer parallel placement on Google for Jobs. The disadvantage is that this is done automatically and the results are therefore not optimal. Furthermore, you have no possibility to optimize your job ad especially for Google.

  3. Using a solution specialized in Google for Jobs like SEO for Jobs
    By specializing exclusively on Google for Jobs, it is possible to store all relevant information, e.g. also the company logo, and thus get the most out of the job ad. This is possible through an intuitive interface and without any intervention on the website.


It is definitely worthwhile to take a closer look at Google for Jobs, to gather your own experience with the world's largest job board and to include it in your recruiting process.

If you would like to delve further into the topic, we have summarized the most frequently asked questions and answers about Google for Jobs.