Teaching Assistant for our Primary School

Teaching Assistant for our Primary School in Steinbach (Taunus) near Frankfurt

We are looking for a motivated and qualified

Teaching Assistant

(in part-time or full-time, at the beginning of the school year 2025/2026)

Our Benefits

  • An attractive benefit package including a monthly ticket for public transport or a benefit card, lunch, comprehensive company pension schemes, relocation support and access to a Corporate Benefits Portal

  • Five days of additional paid sick leave in the case of an ill child, and reduced rates for school or nursery fees

  • 32 days of vacation and an annual recreation allowance

  • Supported continuous professional development and development opportunities

  • German language courses for English speakers

  • Cutting edge technology and facilities

  • Small group support with additional professionals, such as an on-campus school psychologist

  • Trusting relationship between teachers, teaching assistants and students as well as a cooperative parent community

  • Ability to actively shape your work environment

  • Close cooperation with the management team

Your Responsibilities

  • Collaboration with the teacher in the classroom as well as support for individual students

  • Supporting to decorate the classroom, supervising school trips and breaks

  • Communicating with parents, colleagues and external organisations

  • Participation in staff meetings and class consultations

Your Profile

  • Pedagogically based qualification or a corresponding degree as well as very good professional knowledge

  • Ideally experience working with primary school children

  • Passionate about primary education

  • Communicative, motivated, and committed to working as part of a team

  • Identification with our pedagogical concept and motivation to creatively implement it together in a team

Interested in re-shaping education? Bring your new ideas to life with us and apply now via our website:


Please visit www.jobs.phorms.de for more details and do not hesitate to contact Jenny and Lisa, Tel.: 030/ 311 678 104.

We look forward to your application!


Phorms Education
Waldstraße 91
61449 Steinbach (Taunus)


Phorms Education ist eine überregionale und zukunftsorientierte Einrichtung im Bereich Bildung und Erziehung. Durch ein Konzept, das auf anspruchsvoller bilingualer (Deutsch-Englisch) Bildung, qualifizierter Ganztagesbetreuung und individueller Förderung basiert, bereichert Phorms mit seinen Einrichtungen in freier Trägerschaft seit 2006 die Bildungslandschaft in Deutschland. Zum Phorms-Netzwerk gehören aktuell zehn Kitas und acht Grundschulen, fünf Gymnasien, eine Sekundarschule, zwei International Schools sowie die Erzieherakademie Heilbronn. Unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler, deren Eltern und unsere Mitarbeitenden schätzen die Einrichtungen nicht nur als Lern-, sondern auch als Lebensraum.

Vergleichbare Jobs

  • Assistant Teacher
  • Teaching Assistant bilingual primary school
  • Teaching Assistant Phorms Education
  • Assistant Teacher Phorms Frankfurt Taunus Campus

Örtlicher Umkreis

  • Frankfurt am Main
  • Offenbach
  • Bad Homburg vor der Höhe
  • Oberursel
  • Dreieich
  • Gallus
  • Maintal
  • Hofheim am Taunus
  • Neu-Isenburg
  • Mörfelden-Walldorf

Job ID: 8716020 / Ref: f54b2146b6f0428156197caf72225ca9


Wenn dir der Job zusagt, zögere nicht und sende umgehend deine Bewerbung ein – vielleicht ist es genau der Traumjob, den du suchst.

Phorms Education

Erziehung, Bildung und Wissenschaft